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Are there any people in this ng that actually like each other?
Janet Bostwick wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Dec 2012 10:07:08 -0500, jmcquown >
> wrote:
> snip
> >
> >There are newsgroups specifically geared for political discussions. (I
> >can only imagine the flaming that goes on in them!) It bugs me when
> >people drag politics into this ng. I skip right on over that stuff.
> >
> >Jill
> I apologize. I try very hard to stick to cooking and related.
> However, if you've watched me for a time, you will know I am a liberal
> who just can't keep her mouth shut about inequities toward women,
> working class, ethnic groups, elderly, etc., and sensible gun
> management. Those are my hot buttons. I stay out of the fray as long
> as I can and then I slip my leash.
> Janet US
Guns rule and women should be kept barefoot and pregnant.