WalMart and Pickles
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Posts: 720
WalMart and Pickles
In article om>,
> Who would have thought that the WalMart in heavily Hispanic Harlingen,
> TX would carry Gus' pickles. I just feasted on the half-sours of my
> childhood.
> I feel like I should have bought as many $5 jars (I know that's a lot
> for pickles)as would fit in my fridge, but I held back.
> The pickles were crisp and still somewhat green, exactly the way I love
> them.
> My mom would make shopping forays into NYC and the Lower East Side.
> Every trip would end with a gallon bottle of Gus' pickles. I remember
> going to the corner with her and getting the pickles straight out of the
> barrel.
> I'm thinking of saving all the pickle juice and getting some unwaxed
> cukes to put in the jar after I've eaten all the pickles.
> I am in pickle heaven!
Oh in my childhood there was Cusano's - they had these huge jars of sour
pickles. My cousin and I used to go over there on a Saturday and get a
couple pickles, then back to my house to watch a Creature Double Feature
on WLVI.
I love spicy pickles too.
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