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Default Newbie wine question -red wine

On 17-Jul-2004, "Al" > wrote:

> I just satrted drinking red wines a few month ago. Unless there is a big
> event, I usually drink wines under $15. Would you please recommend some
> red
> wines that taste good without paring with any food? I enjoy having
> different
> kind of red wines with my dinners, but don't have experience drinking red
> wine alone. Thank you very much.

A couple of ones that my wife and I drink alone include "Big House Red" from
Bonny Doon (about $10), Rancho Zabaco Zinfandel ($12-15 depending on which
one), Beaujolais (single village such as Morgon or Fluerie, depending on
producer about $10-13), or Wishing Tree Shiraz (about $11).
