ImStillMags wrote:
> I tried it. Made by an authentic Norwegian.
> Never again.
It seems as though many Norwegian foods aren't
very good. I detest gjetost, which seems to be
the national cheese of Norway. Awful stuff.
I suppose some cultures keep alive traditions
of disgusting foods just as a way to maintain
a national identity. Stuff like Marmite.
Or haggis.
I guess the U.S. doesn't have a disgusting
national food. Our national foods are mostly
fattening, but quite tasty and edible. The
most disgusting U.S. national food is probably
Jell-O, but only if you're not used to it.
It doesn't smell bad, taste bad, or look bad
(unless you insist food should look like food).
Unless you know where it comes from, how it's made,
or what's in it, it's not disgusting at all.