On Sat, 22 Dec 2012 22:05:12 -0800, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:
> When we lived on Cape Cod, we had a lot of things that looked to be edible
> but I was never really sure so never tried eating them. Then when we moved
> here I came close to eating something from the strawberry patch that I
> thought was parsley. Good thing I didn't! It was buttercups and the leaves
> are poison.
A place that we used to rent for the summers had a huge (1.5 acre)
"yard" that included citrus and other fruit trees, grape vines, and a
year-round abundance of "weeds", many of which looked edible. There
was also a small colony of tortoises. I used to watch them and
anything I saw them nibbling on we ate (raw or stewed). From time to
time I would set leaves, blades, stems, and whatnot in front of one to
see its reaction. They would never touch anything that I didn't
observe them eating in the "wild" with one exception: iceberg lettuce.
They loved that stuff so much we had to give up trying to grow it.
Ann's Little Brother Bob