"jmcquown" > wrote in message
>> Hmmm thinking about 'stuffing mix' we do have stuff like 'sage and
>> onion' dried and mixed with dry breadcrumbs. Is that what you mean?
>> Sorry about that. I suppose I was thinking you meant something specific
> She spent too much time in Japan
Yes, you could use that sage & onion
> dried breadcrumb mixture. Or anything you'd use to stuff a turkey
Ahhhhh understood

) Thanks

I have a piece of rump beef in the freezer.
I will mince/grind it ... what would you add? Should I mince some pork too?
I have most veggies, I have mushroom ketchup (not thick like tomato ketchup)
It is more like Worcester sauce, I do have Worcester sauce too. I have
fresh onion, dried onions, oatmeal, homemade fresh whole meal breadcrumbs
.... I have dried herbs ..
What do you think? I shall try a couple of the recipes posted here, but for
the moment, using what I have in ...?