How to naturally flavor home made carbonated soda water?
On Thu, 27 Dec 2012 22:21:23 -0800, gtr > wrote:
> On 2012-12-28 01:50:43 +0000, sf said:
> > On Thu, 27 Dec 2012 17:42:04 -0800, gtr > wrote:
> >
> >> On 2012-12-26 15:14:06 +0000, Jim said:
> >>
> >>> I can carbonate my water with a 20 pound tank of carbon dioxide,
> >>> but I'm having trouble flavoring this naturally carbonated soda water.
> >>>
> >>> I tried zesting lemons & oranges in vodka to make lemon & orange extract,
> >>> but the flavor isn't strong enough for a natural soda at home.
> >>>
> >>> Any ideas for natural flavors for soda water at home?
> >>
> >> Likely not your preferred answer but I put a little Torani syrup,
> >> frequently peach or almond in a glass, then fill it with ice and
> >> carbonated water from my seltzer gizmo.
> >
> > Have you ever put Torani Vanilla syrup in some milk and steamed it
> > with a frother? It's a wonderful warm drink on a cold day.
> Sounds good but I don't got no frother. I'd have to froth in old school
> and don't have the wrists for that.
My DD's first BF worked for Cost Plus (now called World Market) - he
gave me a milk frother for Christmas (and espresso pot) one year.
Wish I knew were that darned thing wound up... it disappeared after we
remodeled the kitchen. I didn't use the coffee pot very much, but I
really did like that little milk steamer and gave it quite a workout
during subsequent winters - long after he became a footnote of life.
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.