four firefighters shot, two dead
On Friday, December 28, 2012 1:01:36 PM UTC-5, Doug Freyburger wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote:
> > spamtrap1888 wrote:
> >
> >> All that gun control is, is laws with penalties attached. If you're
> >> planning to take out the local fire dept. before you kill yourself,
> >> you might decide you can disobey these other laws.
> >
> > Not to mention that they shooter was nuts, and that he was not supposed
> > to have firearms at all. Banning them from sane and law abiding people
> > does not mean that nut cases and criminals won't still get their hands
> > on them.... unless they are in jail or in mental hospitals where they
> > belong.
> Which is why it's a mental health issue not a gun control issue. Gun
> control laws would have had no effect on this situation therefore anyone
> who reacts by suggesting tighter gun controls is not using reason. They
> are using ghoul reactions to feed on the dead to push their gun
> confiscation agendas. As such they are to be opposed at all fronts.
> The mental heath situation in the US is a travesty and has been since at
> least as far back as Reagan.
**** off. Since Eisenhower and Nixon ****ed god into everyones lives. Exterminate the christian medical mafia. Beat a psychologist to death. Bring the war home to destroy the Zionists.