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Jim Elbrecht Jim Elbrecht is offline
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Default Have A Good Recipe For Cabbage - Hamburger Wraps?

(Judy Haffner) wrote:

>Thanks, Jim! this sounds very close to what this chef was doing
>yesterday, except I didn't see any rice mixed in with the meat, but then
>I didn't see it from the beginning, when he probably said what all was
>in this meat mixture, as to whether it was just beef, or had another
>type of meat mixed in.

This was the first time I used the rice and the pork-- and it really
makes a difference.

>There also was no sauerkraut, but that sounds
>good too.

My wife had mentioned sauerkraut so we'd served it with kraut before--
but cooking it changes everything.

>The cabbage leaves looked very tender, as he was peeling them
>off and the other person he was demonstrating to, commended on how well
>they were cooked, so maybe he steamed them soft?

Steaming might be a way to go. There is a delicate balance between
cooked enough, and cooked too much. The Savoy cabbage will wrap
nicely even raw-- Finding a nice sized head can be a challenge
sometimes. [and they add a few dollars tot he cost of a meal]

>Ever since I saw them, I've been craving them! :-)

Funny that you asked today-- I just spotted the leftovers in the
freezer and now I can't wait for supper.

BTW- I don't think I mentioned in the other post, but Holubky is the
Slovak word for these- Golabsky and variations is the Polish-- same
cabbage roll.
