notbob wrote:
> I was a bit skeptical, but also intrigued. Never had a soup with
> pears in it. But, this soup stayed in the back of my mind for weeks
> and would not let me rest. I'm very glad it did. I finally made it,
> tonight, and it's awesome! Here's the recipe:
> Even with all the other ingredients, the pears shine through loud and
> clear, something I would never have expected. I confess, I used
> three. I also used only 6 cups of liquid (not counting wht wine. I
> used Vermouth). She musta had some really big veggies, cuz I still
> ended up reducing soup for an hour after PC'ing to get it to a decent
> thickness. Do not over salt. It's kind of a sweet soup and
> oversalting it will kill the pronounced pear flavor. Taste as you go.
> Do not use chicken stock. Go with veggie. No cream, as it doesn't
> need it! An amazingly good soup for those who like real vegetable
> soups. I pressure cooked it. This one is a keeper. I will make it
> again.
Back in 2005 I posted about a soup I'd made using Thanksgiving leftovers
which happened to be a Bosc pear, a parsnip, an onion, and a Delicata
squash. Everything got roasted until caramelized, pureed with chicken
stock, and briefly simmered with cream and Madeira.
Greg Morrow expressed revulsion, but of course that was just ignorance.
The soup was really good.