How to naturally flavor home made carbonated soda water?
On Dec 29, 12:40*pm, "l not -l" > wrote:
> Lynne Rossetto Kasper's public radio show, The Splendid Table, has a
> segment this week on homemade flavored soda. *The show's promo blurb for
> this segment says: "If you want to do a party where people really pay
> attention to what they're drinking, try making your own craft sodas.
> These are the sodas that you can describe like wine; you can talk about
> the remarkable body, the delicious aftertaste. The guidebook is Homemade
> Soda by Andrew Schloss, a cookbook author who has never just skimmed a
> subject."
I think that's the book I saw on the remainder table. Check out your
local bookstore, if you still have one.