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Bryan[_6_] Bryan[_6_] is offline
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Default OT How does a Senator that is a Mormon teetolar get arrestedfor DUI?

On Tuesday, January 1, 2013 12:17:39 AM UTC-6, Somebody wrote:
> "Bryan" > wrote in message
> ...
> > On Monday, December 31, 2012 8:35:00 AM UTC-6, Somebody wrote:

> >> oops. wrong group...

> >

> > The way you misspelled teetotaler leads me to believe that you do not

> > belong to that group.

> >

> > --Bryan

> sorry I misspelled a word. It's not an easy word to spell and I went
> fonetic... You know Bryan, your condescending, arrogant, self-righteous
> attitude is not all that endearing... Maybe I can spell this word right
> regarding what I and many people think of you: asshole.

So, you weren't posting while intoxicated?
> Did I get that right?

That word is easier to spell, but now you might want to work on punctuation, specifically the use of the ellipsis and the colon.

Anyway, it was a joke. The spelling was so far off that it looked like the person who posted it had to be drunk, and you aren't someone who habitually spells badly. I wasn't trying to be hostile. Heck, I kinda like you, and that isn't beer nice because it's not beer time of day yet.

When I want to use a word or phrase that I'm not confident about, I either;

1) use a different word or phrase.
2) use the internet to check spelling and/or usage.

I don't try to wing it. I made that mistake once. Are you old enough to be acquainted with The Bowery Boys? You are correct that a lot of folks here think I'm an asshole, and sometimes that's the case, but this wasn't one of them. Some years ago, I was paid to copy edit, and to explain the reasons why the piece would be better written this way, instead of that way. My student was a really smart guy who never really learned to write, and he soon no longer needing my tutelage. He probably earns three times what I do because he has specialized skills, and the chump change he paid me was a whopping good investment.

So lighten up, dude. If I were intentionally being an asshole to you, I'd 'fess up, but I wasn't.
