Shopping Cards - the next step
On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 05:39:16 -0500, sd > wrote:
> In article >, The Ranger > wrote:
> > As has been said oft enough but ingored before the sentence
> > is finished, if you don't like the store and it's cards, don't shop
> > there. There _are_ alternatives in every major city across the
> > world. Many of these same alternatives offer cheaper prices
> > and a more-specific set of merchandize to their clientele than
> > any of the larger chains.
> >
> I agree with you for the most part, but I still think there's a fairer
> way to reward loyalty. As a single person, I can't hope to compete
> for"best customer" if all they go by is register ring. I can do _all_
> my shopping at SuperMarket and chat them up big-time with my
> family and friends and all I get for my loyalty is a distant second
> behind someone who shows up most weeks and buys only half
> the groceries for their family of four or five? Now if their data
> mine was smart enough to normalize the ring against household size ....
I would bet this will be done in the future once the "public"
understands that Big Brother (those rilly-nasty insurance pigs, Da
Guv'mint, Black Ops Orgs, and cranky barristers all hand-holding as we
buy E-V-I-L foods and beverages) isn't going to use the data that's
Personally, I shop all over so I'd never be in that premier level,
either, so it's moot with me.
The Ranger
"Grits are akin to Elmer's Paste with less flavor and more sand."