On 1/1/2013 7:36 PM, sf wrote:
> On Tue, 01 Jan 2013 17:22:59 -0600, Ema Nymton >
> wrote:
>> About 20 yrs ago I tried Jiffy Corn Muffin mix -hated it! I tried it
>> again a few years ago, and I love it. We grow, we change.
> You and I are on different tracks. I used to love the cornbread Jiffy
> mix, now it's so-so to me. It's a little too sweet for my tastes, but
> I don't like Southern style either because it's not sweet enough for
> me. I like my cornbread with some white flour and sugar but not so
> much that it could be mistaken for cake, which is the style of
> cornbread that I was served in New England.
Yep! That's the kind of cornbread I was served in Boston. It was
cake-like. All the more reason to make it at home, the way you like it.
Cornbread is drop dead simple to make the way you like it. That's why
I'm going to stick with my from scratch recipe rather than succumb to
Jiffy Mix ever again.
I still don't remember ever buying this Jiffy Mix. Who knows, maybe it
was something my mother bought. (I'm always finding things in this
house.) She sure wasn't the sort to bake cornbread from scratch. LOL I
love my mother to this day but she would be the first one to tell you
she hated to cook.
I still remember the first time I tasted cornbread. I was about 8 and
we were living in Virginia. Mom bought one of those mixes that came
with a little tinfoil pre-fab "baking pan". I cannot remember the
brand. She was so proud she'd found a new instant thing. LOL "I'm
going to make cornbread!" I remember thinking it was sort of cake-like.
I didn't taste *real* cornbread until many years later. I prefer the