Dietary ethics
On Mon, 31 Dec 2012 09:14:35 -0800, Goo wrote:
>On 12/30/2012 10:15 AM, dh@. wrote:
>> On Sat, 29 Dec 2012 09:58:02 -0700, Bob Casanova > wrote:
>>> No problem, a lot of people use multiple nyms for various
>>> reasons, and the only group I know that forbids nymshifting
>>> is (because so many jerks use them to avoid
>>> killfiles), and even t.o accepts *changing* a nym. But his
>>> insistence that *all* those on his list are your nyms is a
>>> thin mask created to foster the belief in others that no one
>>> but you disagrees with him.
>> LOL!!!
>> They are all "different" people George has dishonestly pretended to
>No, *Goo*. Many of them are nyms I've used - in fact, the majority of
>not all of them.
What percentage of "different" people that you've pretended to be do you
think I've got on my list, Goo? Do you think it's more than ten percent Goob?