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George M. Middius[_2_] George M. Middius[_2_] is offline
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Default Lamb chops - what would 'you' do?`

Sky wrote:

> Anywho, I was unable to resist the urge to purchase some very nice lamb
> chops and subsequently wondered how other folks, here in RFC-land, like
> to prep and cook lamb chops?

I hope they're fairly thick, at least 1". My go-to is to brown them in a hot
skillet (no extra fat needed, just start them on the fatty long side). Then
finish in the oven. Deglaze with shallots and stock.

If you have more time, start by marinating semi-dry in chopped garlic, herbs,
S&P, and olive oil. Prick the chops all over with a fork and rub in the
marinade. Scrape off the rub. Then proceed as above, except add the rub back
to the pan right before the stock.

A splash of white wine or apple juice doesn't hurt to finish the pan gravy.

If you accidentally bought thin chops, I guess just broil them and hope they
don't turn into leather.