On Thursday, January 3, 2013 6:40:08 PM UTC-6, Kalmia wrote:
> On Jan 3, 6:57*pm, Sky > wrote:
> > Subject line says it all
*It's definitely not a good idea to grocery
> > shop when hungry - BTDT too many times! VBG, and today was no exception..
> >
> > Anywho, I was unable to resist the urge to purchase some very nice lamb
> > chops and subsequently wondered how other folks, here in RFC-land, like
> > to prep and cook lamb chops? *I'm used to the traditional (?)
> > rosemary-seasoning-and-seared-in-the-saute-pan and
> > served-with-mint-jelly/sauce approach and was curious about other easy
> > and fast preparations for medium-rare results.
> I haven't bought lamb chops in decades. Heck, I think Maine LOBster
> has to cost less per mouthful. Not crazy about lamb's flavor and
> never DID get the mint jelly bit.
My wife is in the other room assembling kebobs with Italian sweet peppers, oyster mushrooms and onions. I marinated the lamb in olive oil, lemon juice, Greek oregano, pressed garlic and black pepper. My wife made herself a tzaziki sauce with Greek yogurt, grated and squeezed cucumber, olive oil, lemon juice and a little salt. The lamb already has garlic, and she likes garlic only in small doses. Were going to put them under the broiler, and toss some black olives onto the baking sheet when they're more than half done. She has two kebobs, and I just scattered to rest of the fixings and we applied a little more olive oil. Now, into the oven. My wife had wanted tomatoes in the mix, and she thought we had some, but we didn't.
I'll post links to pix. Notice there's not a pita in sight. No empty carbs.