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Posted to alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,,alt.agnosticism,alt.atheism,sci.skeptic
George Plimpton George Plimpton is offline
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Posts: 1,258
Default Dietary ethics

On 12/30/2012 10:15 AM, *Goo* - ****wit David Harrison - lied:
> On Sat, 29 Dec 2012 09:58:02 -0700, Bob Casanova > wrote:
>> No problem, a lot of people use multiple nyms for various
>> reasons, and the only group I know that forbids nymshifting
>> is (because so many jerks use them to avoid
>> killfiles), and even t.o accepts *changing* a nym. But his
>> insistence that *all* those on his list are your nyms is a
>> thin mask created to foster the belief in others that no one
>> but you disagrees with him.

> LOL!!!


> They are all "different" people George has dishonestly pretended to

No, *Goo*. Many of them are nyms I've used - in fact, the majority of
them - but not all of them. Your ignorant cracker ****wittery has led
you to **** up *again*, *Goo*. Again and again and again.
