JELL-O - Do You Like It?
Sqwertz wrote:
> On Mon, 7 Jan 2013 15:27:41 -0800, Julie Bove wrote:
>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>> On Mon, 7 Jan 2013 14:33:13 -0800, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> "Sqwertz" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> On Sun, 6 Jan 2013 22:59:35 -0800, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>>>> I'm not on FB. Not this group anyway. I get enough grief here.
>>>>> Facebook is virtually grief-free. At least for now...
>>>> For you maybe. Not gonna try it.
>>> If you carry on as you do here, you WILL no doubt land in a bunch of
>>> personal filters. For some of us it's not hard to live a "double
>>> life". I'm a Teddy bear <snork> on RFC on Facebook. But here in
>>> RFC Usenet anything goes.
>>> You, OTOH, would have a problem fitting in since you're so negative
>>> and don't really do much cooking.
>> I do plenty of cooking.
> Not normal cooking. You just slap stuff together. It's not real
> cooking since you can't or won't use 90% of the ingredients normal
> people would use to make normal foods.
So the Rissoles weren't cooking? I spent many hours in the kitchen the make
>> I just don't want to hook up with RFC on FB just as
>> I will no longer go to the chat. People tell me that the chat is
>> fine now but my experiences in the past do not always bear that out.
>> Yes, I did go in there plenty of times and it was fine but... Most
>> of the people I used to like to chat with are no longer with us.
> People still use RFC chat? As long as they're not posting here 5
> times a day "I'm lonely, anybody want to chat?", then I'm fine with
> that. In a sense, Facebook is somewhat of a medium between chat and
> Usenet. But some people do abuse Facebook and try and make it too
> much like a chat room.
I don't know if they do or out.
I have people on my FB who want to chat all the time. Just because I am on
there doesn't mean that I have time to chat. For this reason I took off my
MSN Messenger. At some point they linked it to my Yahoo account. So every
time I went to check my mail there, this one person would start IMing me. I
would keep telling her that I was only on there quickly to check the mail
and that I didn't have the time to IM. And she would reply something like,
"Yes you are! It says you are online!" Gah! IMing can be quite handy.
But I generally use it only if I need information from a certain person
right away. I don't usually use it to chat but occasionally I do.