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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Starring! Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast Halves

"barbie gee" > wrote in message
> On Tue, 8 Jan 2013, Janet wrote:
>> In article >, lid
>> says...
>>> Is part of it that she likes to keep super slim because of the dancing?

>> Do try to keep up; anybody would think you never read Julie's posts.
>> Far from being "superslim" the poor kid is very overweight.

> and she needs to figure out how to add privacy to her Facebook page
> photos. Let's just say the kid doesn't have a ballerina's physique and it
> looks unlikely she'll ever have one.
> I thought you had to be 13+ to have a Facebook account, anyway?

Daughter and I are both 13+ and it was set to "friends only" but I will
check the settings. No, she doesn't have a ballerina's physique and I never
said that she did. Not everyone at her studio has the perfect feet or the
perfect physique. And she doesn't just dance ballet which if you have seen
the pictures you would know.