JELL-O - Do You Like It?
On Tue, 08 Jan 2013 08:48:37 -0700, Janet Bostwick
> wrote:
>For hospitals in my community, there is a flat rate for the room per
>day. It includes meals, telephone, television, whatever. So if you
>don't watch TV, it makes no difference. If you request snacks in
>between meals, even very late at night, it makes no difference. Can
>you imagine the accounting nightmare of doing it otherwise? Medicare
>covers X amount for Y length of time. If you have supplemental
>insurance, it picks up after Medicare according to your insurance
>plan provisions. But you are right about taxes. The hospitals in my
>community are 'not for profit' which means one way or another, taxes
>cover indigent care. I'm happy to pay those taxes. No one should
>live in fear because health care is not available.
>Janet US
Some is paid by taxes. Some is also paid by charging higher than
needed rates to those that do have insurance to cover the loss from
those that do not.