Texting cashier
Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> "Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> ...
> >
> > "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> > ...
> >> On Wed, 9 Jan 2013 20:41:54 -0800, Juan Anonly > wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>>
> >>>The glories of a shit entry level job are not the blue print for jack
> >>>shit. If that was your early glory days, good for you. Other people
> >>>stay there for their whole life, and have no interest in doing more
> >>>than is necessary to keep the job.
> >>
> >> If they have no interest in bettering themselves, they deserve what
> >> they get. Good for them.
> >
> > Not everyone is capable of doing better.
> >
> Very true, and we need them doing the jobs they can do. I've also worked
> with a couple of workshops for people with lesser abilities. One thing
> that stood out, no matter what they did, they did it with pride. They may
> have limited abilities, but they had unlimited enthusiasm to do a good job.
> Too many people today just want to get through the day and get paid.
I'm afraid these days I just want to get through the day and get paid. I
*used* to care about my job, and it's a decent enough job, however over
the years I've become surrounded by more and more often outsourced
incompetence. What used to be a relatively productive and efficient job
is now bogged down in the absurd level of administratium that comes from
the incompetence around me as well as management trying to keep those
incompetent folks from totally ****ing things up. I sat through a 45
minute con call recently listening to what was essentially a new group
trying to justify their existence and explaining how their entire
function is essentially to duplicate things that already exist and work
just fine. Sad, very sad...