Big Profit in Flu shots
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Big Profit in Flu shots
On Thursday, January 10, 2013 12:05:24 AM UTC-6, Janet Bostwick wrote:
> On Wed, 09 Jan 2013 23:43:20 -0600,
> >
> >Pharmacies Profit from Dangerous Flu Shot, Disrupt Medical Records
> >
> >Lisa Garber
> >
> >September 24, 2012
> >
> >In 2011, Walgreen Co. brought 5.5 million people through their doors for
> >influenza vaccinations�and was sure to give them coupons on the way out.
> >Unfortunately, this seemingly benign marketing campaign could have
> >bigger, more troublesome side effects. In addition to the
> >ineffectiveness and even danger of many vaccines, receiving them at a
> >pharmacy as opposed to a physician�s office disrupts medical record
> >continuity.
> >
> >�From a quality standpoint, this cuts down on the continuity of care,�
> >says Dr. Joel Shalowitz, medical group president. �There becomes no way
> >of knowing when someone is due for a vaccination that they may need.�
> >
> >Attracting Customers and Money
> >
> >Meanwhile, the likes of Walgreen are raking in cash.
> >
> >Pharmacies generally administer flu shots for up to $32, while the
> >actual dose costs private-sector buyers up to $16.72 (and as low as
> >$9.50). Therefore, not only do pharmacies profit for the actual
> >vaccination, they lure patients into the pharmacy to spend more cash on,
> >for example, deodorant or contact solution. Rite Aid even offers people
> >who receive their flu shot a booklet with coupons amounting to $100.
> >
> >The Affordable Care Act is even encouraging vaccination. Walgreen claims
> >that only 1 of 10 of its customers will pay for their flu shot and
> >insurance will take care of the rest. But the issue goes far beyond
> >personal gain in profit. Vaccines are dangerous, and with local
> >pharmacies offering up a jab, which are very often free during flu
> >season, even more people are being exposed to the dangers.
> >
> >Dangers of Vaccines
> >
> >Unfortunately, most of us are blissfully ignorant of the dangers of many
> >vaccines. Australian health officials eventually banned the flu shot
> >after several children were hospitalized for convulsing after
> >vaccinations, and in 2010 the American government admitted that the H1N1
> >vaccine side effects included a deadly nerve disease, Guillain-Barre
> >Syndrome. This, of course, didn�t stop health officials from continuing
> >the push the vaccine on the public, even though it has been found by
> >researchers in Vancouver to actually worsen H1N1 symptoms.
> >
> >To steer clear of the flu and harmful effects of the vaccine, try taking
> >a sunscreen-free walk in the sun. Just 10 to 15 minutes daily of vitamin
> >D3 can slash your risk of getting the flu by 42%. You could also start
> >drinking green tea and following these other steps on how to prevent a
> >cold and the flu. Your immune system � not vaccines � is the true
> >fighter against the flu.
> >
> ># 2 -----------
> >
> >
> >The great vaccine marketing con: Annual vaccine shots
> >The CDC is now engaged in the marketing of annual vaccination of the
> >entire population. That's the game, you see: Convince people they need
> >an annual flu shot just to stay healthy. It's a complete marketing con,
> >of course, but it's necessary to keep the flu vaccine profit machine
> >humming along each winter.
> >
> >In doing this, the CDC is now running a criminal marketing racket to
> >falsely push vaccines as the solution even though flu vaccines simply
> >don't work. For every 100 people vaccinated against the winter flu, by
> >the way, 99 of them will experience no difference whatsoever in their
> >flu outcomes. Even using the industry's own best evidence, flu vaccines
> >are no more than one percent effective at actually preventing the flu
> >(
) -- and
> >that's only during the first few months before they "fade out."
> >
> >One of the CDC's own vaccine scientists -- a man who received millions
> >of dollars in grant money from the CDC -- was recently indicted by a
> >federal grand jury for money laundering and fraud
> >(
. Check out the
> >NaturalNews diagram called Poul Thorsen's Alleged Web of Fraud to see
> >the complete web of deceit under which the key players of the vaccine
> >fraud industry operate:
> >
> >
> >The truth is that the CDC abandoned real science long ago and is now
> >engaged almost entirely in infectious disease fear mongering and the
> >wholesale prostitution of itself to the vaccine industry. The CDC has
> >become to the vaccine industry what infomercial guru Tony Little is to
> >exercise equipment. This is an agency that now functions as little more
> >than the marketing branch of the vaccine giants.
> >
> >As part of that total prostitution of itself to the vaccine makers, last
> >year the CDC even announced that virtually everyone should get annual
> >flu vaccine shots, including pregnant women!
> >
> >#3 ----------
> >
> >number-of-vaccines-increase-so-do-number-of-deaths-from-flu/
> >
> >Flu Shots Profitable For Retailers; Number of Vaccines Increase, So Do
> >Number of Deaths From Flu
> >
> >Influenza vaccinations are almost as easy to get as the flu itself.
> >That�s because retailers, like grocery stores and pharmacies, took
> >one-stop-shopping to the next level when they started offering flu shots
> >on-site in the early 1990s. WOSU takes a look at the economics of the
> >flu vaccine.
> >
> >The flu � fever, chills, muscle aches, lethargy, cough, headache � yuck.
> >And that�s only if the infection is mild to moderate. Other people can
> >develop complications like pneumonia. In rare cases influenza can be
> >fatal. This is why Federal health officials recommend many of us get a
> >flu shot. It�s supposed to be quick and painless � well there might be a
> >slight pinch�possibly from the $20 to $30 it takes from one�s
> >pocketbook.
> >
> >The Flu shot has become a big business for retailers. You cannot miss
> >the signs saying �GET YOUR FLU SHOT HERE� at the grocery store or drug
> >store.
> >
> >Retailers seized a flu shot opportunity after the Visiting Nurses
> >Association had a lot of success administering the flu shot in grocery
> >stores in the early 1990s.
> >
> >Ann Paulins directs the School of Human and Consumer Sciences at Ohio
> >University. She said there are a number of reasons why retail chains
> >offer the flu shot � the bottom line is one of them. And in a recession
> >when prices are increasing and consumers are watching every dime
> >retailers are even more conscious of it.
> >
> >�Certainly all companies, retailers, need to be aware of their bottom
> >line. So it is a particularly wise strategy to think about what do
> >consumers need? What will consumers be willing to pay for? And can we
> >offer that and can we promote it in a way that we�re selling the product
> >as opposed to our customers going to a competitor for that product,� she
> >said.
> >
> >For grocery stores, which operate on thin profit margins for food, flu
> >vaccines are an excellent source of revenue and profit.
> >
> >Kroger Grocery stores and CVS pharmacies each plan to administer one
> >million doses this year � nationwide.
> >
> >Neither Kroger nor CVS would disclose how much they pay for their flu
> >shots. But the average wholesale price of a single dose of flu vaccine
> >is about 12 dollars. Kroger sells the shots for $24.99. CVS charges $30
> >bucks. So if we do the math�with a million does sold�each chain�s
> >profits could be between $13 and $18 million. And profits are likely
> >higher if the retailers get volume discount rates from the vaccine
> >manufacturers.
> >
> >Widespread use of the flu shot has surged in the last two decades. The
> >number of flu vaccines produced since 1988 has increased 530 percent.
> >The nation�s population only increased 25 percent in that same time
> >period.
> >
> >Curtis Allen speaks for The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
> >in Atlanta. Allen said one reason for the increase is manufacturers
> >realize there�s a market for flu vaccines. He said another reason is
> >there are more people that need to be vaccinated.
> >
> >�We�re learning more about the potential complications of influenza and
> >the science is growing, and as the science grows we recognize that there
> >are more people who should be vaccinated than have been vaccinated in
> >the past,� Allen said.
> >
> >Doctor Jacob Teitelbaum is an internal medicine physician and graduate
> >of the Ohio State University Medical School. Teitelbaum, who recommends
> >the flu shot, said there�s a perfectly good reason for the large
> >increase in flu shot production.
> >
> >�How did the Pink Floyd song go? Money, money, money. I mean, fear
> >sells. And if there�s a buck to be made, especially in medicine, it�s
> >going to be made,� Teitelbaum said. While more of us are getting the flu
> >shot, the percentage of the population that dies from the flu has
> >actually increased. While still very rare, flu deaths are up 44 percent
> >since the late 80?s.
> >
> >Allen said the CDC predicts about 36,000 people will die from flu or
> >complications this year. But he said some scientists think that number
> >is a conservative one.
> >
> >There are a number of reasons, Allen said, why the number of flu deaths
> >is increasing. He said the U.S. has more people over the age of 65 than
> >ever before, and seniors are more prone to get the flu and develop
> >life-threatening complications. And he adds not every one who needs to
> >get a flu shot is doing so.
> >
> >�Even under the best of circumstances we�re vaccinating well less than
> >50 percent of the people who should be vaccinated,� Allen said.
> >
> >Dr. Tietelbaum agrees that an aging population accounts for the
> >increased number of deaths from flu, but only partially. He adds for the
> >first time in U.S. history people are obese and malnourished. And he
> >said if a person is vitamin deficient the flu shot will not work.
> >
> >�I think the increased death rate has to do with the American public in
> >general having poor nutrition and poor immune function. I think those
> >statistics are ignored because no one wants to question vaccinations,�
> >he said.
> >
> >And picking the right flu vaccine is not always easy. Last year millions
> >of Americans opened up their wallets for a flu vaccine that did not
> >match the viruses that were going around. Every year, health officials
> >make an educated guess on which flu strains they think will circulate
> >that season. Allen said the 2007 vaccines were mismatched.
> >
> >But he said the flu shots were not totally in vain. He says despite the
> >wrong combination, the vaccine was about 50 to 60 percent effective. And
> >Allen said the flu is likely to be less severe if it�s contacted after
> >receiving a flu shot.
> 'Nuff said. . . it's a conspiracy theory ;o))
You don't need a degree in economics to understand how foolish it to not get a flu shot.
> Janet US
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