Vox Humana wrote:
> " BOB" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Vox Humana wrote:
>>> "The Ranger" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> Vox Humana > threw a hissy-fit through message
>>>> .. .
>>>> [snip ****y one-line response]
>>>> Invoking Godwin's Law to close down the discussion on your wild
>>>> theories does not bolster your cause nor add substance to your
>>>> already flawed ramblings.
>>> Very well, I guess that just because the government said it intended to
>>> collect shopping information about citizens is no reason to think that it
>>> will. I don't know why I didn't come to that conclusion earlier nor do I
>>> know why I though they might collect shopping information from databases of
>>> shopping information.
>> Just for you:
>> http://zapatopi.net/afdb.html
> And for you:
> http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0230/baard.php
No, the post that I recommended is more appropriate. It also does not have
numerous pop-up ads and add tracking cookies to your system (unlike the one you
LOL, you're worried about someone tracking you, but a site that you recommend
puts spy-ware on computers. Oh the irony.