On 1/13/2013 2:22 PM, sf wrote:
> On Sun, 13 Jan 2013 10:08:02 -0500, Nancy Young <replyto@inemail>
> wrote:
>> Just want to be sure before I continue tossing them into
>> my compost bin.
> I Googled "is oxygen cleansed the same as unbleached?" and came up
> with this Amazon review from: Rockline #4 Cone Coffee Filters - Oxygen
> Cleansed- 400 Count
> OK so for those health conscious individuals, they would probably
> prefer the brown one or unbleached filters. Because of the chemicals
> used in the bleaching process, bad for the health. This one is oxygen
> bleached (not the oxy bleach you find in detergent but literally using
> oxygen to bleach these filters), they would still use chemicals to
> bleach this white completely but not as much since oxygen had done
> most of the job. But still, the kind of bleach factories used to
> bleach paper these days are not the same stuff they used before EPA &
> the rest of the world wised up to the harmful effect the waste
> products did to the water
> (ergo fishes & other seafoods we eat). And
> yes they're still bad for your health since they're chemicals not
> meant to be ingested but not toxic & most of the chemicals would be in
> the pulp and the actual paper would contain only trace amounts that
> it's negligible. And even if you eat the filters 3x a day, it would
> probably take several lifetimes before it will kill you, LOL!
Yeah, I thought never mind putting them into the compost, what
about drinking coffee right out of a bleached filter! Doesn't
seem like a good idea.
> Then I Googled "can I compost oxygen cleansed coffee filters"
> http://www.air-n-water.com/coffee-fi...nformation.htm
> further down was
> http://www.gardenguides.com/90562-co...e-filters.html
> which makes it look like it doesn't matter if you use bleached or
> unbleached, just compost away.
Thanks very much.