On 2013-01-15, ImStillMags > wrote:
> What happened? Big storm?????
Glad to hear it's over. Donchya jes hate that kinda stuff?
I jes spent the day figuring out why we suddenly had no hot water. I
didn't know why and hadda determine the main problem. Dead water
heater? Down electrical circuit. Frozen water pipes? Turns out the
outside electrical outlet the heat tapes were plugged into went south
and our water heater pipes froze. After a couple hours of head
scratching and cord juggling, I finally ran an emergency extension
cord to the heat tape extension cords and unfroze the water lines.
Hope I patched it up well enough, as it's gonna be 40 deg F below
freezing again tonight. With the wind chill, the high today was 20
below zero. This CA boy hadda do some serious cold weather clothing
experimentation to even get my gimp butt outside to work. I learned I
definitely need a warmer jacket and gloves.