Thread: Tupperware
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On Tue, 13 Jul 2004 20:46:41 -0700, Terry Pulliam Burd
> wrote:

> F*ckerware?

Othello demands certainty that Desdemona is betraying him.
What would be definitive proof, Iago asks?

Would you, the supervisor, grossly gape on--
Behold her tupp'd?

Earl Silas Tupper was the inventor of Tupperware.
According to the celebrated poet by this name, Martin
Farquhar Tupper, it is a corruption of part of the motto of
the family, "Tout perdie." Figuring out what perdie means
- well, let's just say it has a lot of meanings - not
related to what Tony said... except in instances where I
could find no direct definition - in most of those cases, it
could have been a reference to a man's "third arm".

Remember how our last names connote relationships (Johnson =
John's son), jobs (Smith = smith/blacksmith - a man who
works with metal), nicknames (Small, Bliss) places of birth
or residence (Bath, Borland)?

So, if what Tony said is true
(here's a clue)
tup n. a ram (Skeat, 1876)

now we know what one of Earl's distant relatives was known
for... and it wasn't milling, baking, tayloring or cooking.


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