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Default More on aluminium

On Tue, 13 Jul 2004 12:29:14 +1200, Kim >

>On Mon, 12 Jul 2004 11:06:26 -0500, zxcvbob >
>>Kim wrote:
>>> There has been much media attention here lately on the dangers of
>>> using aluminium for cooking (and even retaining heat). The advice
>>> given by the health experts is that aluminium pots and cooking
>>> utensils be discarded and that no aluminium foil be used to cover
>>> dishes while cooking - and in fact, not even to retain heat after they
>>> are removed from the oven or cooktop or microwave. The ubiquitous
>>> aluminium oven baking sheet should be covered with cooking paper or
>>> cooking cloth so that food is not in direct contact with the
>>> aluminium.
>>> There have been a number of medical experts speaking about this danger
>>> lately - so many in fact that despite assertions that large numbers of
>>> restaurants (presumably in the USA) are still using aluminium, it is
>>> not a safe medium to cook with.
>>> Cheers

Well then, perhaps we could start with the name of the US expert? Or
even the expert's profession, professional affiliation, or area of
expertise? Sadly, "health experts" could encompass anything from the
carcass inspector at a slaughter house through a researcher in some
related field to a scientist such as a chemist with precisely no
clinical experience. It is always possible, though not likely, that
the expert has graced some refereed journal with his opinions and/or
data. That would help others to evaluate these assertions.
