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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default First Complaint about The Club, 2013

On 1/20/2013 11:58 AM, sf wrote:
> On Sun, 20 Jan 2013 11:44:22 -0500, jmcquown >
> wrote:
>> On 1/20/2013 11:33 AM, sf wrote:
>>> On Sun, 20 Jan 2013 07:24:53 -0800, "Pico Rico"
>>> > wrote:
>>>> I do have to wonder why the obsession over the club, though. Seems quite an
>>>> oddity.
>>> She has to pay $800 annually for it whether she uses it or not, so
>>> she's trying to get her money's worth out of it this year and she was
>>> simply commenting on the chef's continuing obsession with kaiser
>>> rolls, coupled with her inability to digest the seeds on them. He
>>> seems pretty clueless for someone whose customers are mainly retirees.

>> Thanks, sf, and that's exactly my point. Given everyone I know here is
>> over 65 (and some are into their 80's) there doesn't seem to be much in
>> the way of options for sandwich breads. Maybe he serves them pablum or
>> cream of wheat and they just don't send email about it being a lunch
>> special. Heh.

> Does your home owners association have a private google group? I'm
> wondering if you could bring up the topic there. If other people
> agree that he needs to start accommodating special diets, there's
> strength in numbers!

I have no idea. It never occurred to me to look. But the DIOA isn't
your stereotypical homeowners association. Apparently there have been
many lawsuits over the years, on both sides. No one seems to have ever won.
