Thread: Tasso
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Mike Pearce
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Default Tasso

"Julianne" wrote in message news97tb.379$%b2.372@lakeread05...
> "Mike Pearce" wrote in message:

> > "Julianne" wrote in message

> > > thought that I would just put on a pot of red beans today

> >
> > >The butcher told me to use Tasso. I was too sick to
> > > make many inquiries. Does anyone know precisely what this is?

> >
> > Do you live in Louisiana? I've never seen it anywhere else, not that

> > been everywhere else.

> Yes, I do live in Louisiana. The Tasso, (1.39 for the package) is lending

> wonderful aroma to the kitchen BUT after washing my hands several times, I
> still smell like a couchon de lait (pig roast).

Yeah, and tasso is a bit on the messy side. It's not a wallflower when it
comes to flavor or aroma.

I'm in Louisiana too (NOLA) I'm just loving hearing about the nasty weather
up north knowing that the temperature is going to be around 80 here today.

I used tasso for the first time about a dozen years ago in a pot of red
beans I was making at a friend's house in Lake Charles. I'd just moved to
Louisiana from the northeast, and was excited to finally have ingredients
available to me I couldn't get in Boston. They had one of the neighborhood
kids (a native) over helping with some yard work. I gave him some of the red
beans. After he'd finished, I asked him how they were. He casually replied,
"they taste like my mom's." I still consider that the highest praise I've
received for my cooking.
