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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Is it really calamari?

On 1/20/2013 9:46 PM, Mark Thorson wrote:
> gloria p wrote:
>> I heard this on NPR last week and may never order calamari again:
>> gloria p

> The only way you could fool people is if
> they were utterly clueless what squid is
> like. You couldn't fool me. And why would
> anyone attempt to counterfeit the cheapest
> of all seafoods?

The last time (years ago) I had calamari I was out with a group of
people. We were attending a business function in Chicago and went to an
Italian restaurant. The calamari was battered and deep fried. It's
pretty hard to mistake it for anything else when they include the fried
tentacles on the plate.

One woman had never heard of calamari. She was raised in "the country"
as an adult owned/lived on a small farm. Seafood just wasn't something
she was regularly exposed to. We ordered a batch as an appetizer while
she was in the restroom. She loved it! What is this?! It's squid.
She didn't cringe like some people might have; she enjoyed it!
(Although come to think of it she might not have objected to pig rectums.)

> Is this like the scallops/skate wings thing?
> We haven't done that one for a few years.
> Should I start that thread all over again?

Oh sure, why not? I haven't heard about that one in ages
