Originally Posted by jmcquown[_2_]
On 1/23/2013 5:14 PM, bigwheel
For sure, we need your help! Heh. Yet another no-carb fanatic heard
from. Here, eat a pound of deep fried bacon while I think about this.
I'm not overweight and I'm not diabetic. Then again, I don't stuff
myself with "boiled dough" every day. I don't know where people get the
idea everyone does that. Maybe you watch too much television. Shows
like 'The Biggest Loser' must really give you a charge.
BTW, you do know them "Eyetalians" brought pasta back from China, right?
There was this man named Marco Polo...
Glad to hear your staying slim. Just dont start exercising and stay away from Doctors. You should have a long healthy life. Dont even go to the horspital to visit. Those incurable germs are everywhere in those places. I only watch edumacational stuff on TV. That is why I am so smart..lol. Great to hear the Eyetalians swiped something from the Chinese. Here all these years thinkng they just pilfered stuff from the Greeks. Shows what I know huh? An examination of my dietary habits would reveal a slightly back slid raw vegan. White flour is a killer as white sugar..white rice..blah blah blah.