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dsi1[_18_] dsi1[_18_] is offline
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Default What's needed for a good chilli?

On 1/24/2013 4:34 AM, James Silverton wrote:
> I tried a recipe for chilli the other day that used some tomatilloes but
> not much in the way of spices beyond prepared chilli powder and cumin It
> was rather blah even with the addition of a little Tabasco. I had made
> enough for two meals and I cooked the second for half an hour more with
> some oregano, coriander and ancho chile. I not have anchos available the
> previous day but the second attempt was rather good.

What constitutes a good chili will vary by region and the taste of the
cook. I can make a good chili out of most anything because I have a
clear flavor profile of what I want and know how to achieve it.

The local-style chili popular over here is on the sweet and mild side
with a prominent bell pepper taste and a smooth richness due to of the
addition of mayo. My chili of choice is mostly cumin and garlic and salt
flavor with a moderate heat level. I don't add mayo.