Food Fraud
On Wed, 23 Jan 2013 22:11:54 -0800, sf > wrote:
>On Thu, 24 Jan 2013 15:55:36 +1100, John J > wrote:
>> So this FDA allows poisons in food, as discussed in an earlier thread,
>> and allows food fraud. Interesting organization. Every country should
>> have one like this!
>I don't blame the FDA. I blame the party of less government. You
>want less government, you get less government and big business does
>whatever it wants to do with no repercussions. Don't be upset that
>the government isn't looking out for you, because you don't want it
The party of more government has been in power recently. Did they do
any better? No.
Both parties are corrupt. Take your choice of who you want to take
your money.