Thread: Food Fraud
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ViLco ViLco is offline
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Default Food Fraud

notbob wrote:

>> allowed to add those poisons to food. Is the FDA too poorly funded to
>> ban the addition of poisons to food?

> No, the FDA is populated by former business executives from the very
> same companies that are poisining our food.

And that will get back to their super-paid jobs in those very same companies
they worked for before serving in the FDA. This is also how the Securities
and Exchange Commission worked before the Enron scandal, then during the
trials someone said that this had to stop. I can gather from your post that
nothing has changed.

> That's how American govt works.

Hey, take a look at Consob, the italian counterpart of your SEC: quoting
Shirley Bassey, that's just history repeating.
"Un pasto senza vino e' come un giorno senza sole"
Anthelme Brillat Savarin