On 1/25/2013 11:02 AM, jay wrote:
> In article >,
> James Silverton > wrote:
>> I tried a recipe for chilli the other day that used some tomatilloes but
>> not much in the way of spices beyond prepared chilli powder and cumin
>> It was rather blah even with the addition of a little Tabasco. I had
>> made enough for two meals and I cooked the second for half an hour more
>> with some oregano, coriander and ancho chile. I not have anchos
>> available the previous day but the second attempt was rather good.
> Chili -- so many recipes -- If you want to keep it really simple try
> this one:
> http://www.lbjlib.utexas.edu/johnson...ipes/chili.asp
> Tasty! I like to add a couple different types of can beans and some
> good chocolate. Yes chocolate. Using a couple different varieties of
> fresh ground chile powder will kick it up a couple notches also -- like
> ancho and chipotle.
> jay
Seems to me adding chocolate to chili is a midwest thing. Not saying
I'd never try it, just saying.