Cooking A Pot Roast
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Ed Pawlowski
external usenet poster
Posts: 12,851
Cooking A Pot Roast
On Fri, 25 Jan 2013 12:58:01 -0900,
(Judy Haffner)
>Is it just me, or doesn't pot roast taste as good as it use to? I
>haven't bothered to prepare one for a long time, because the last couple
>were "stringy" and not as tender or tasty as I like them to be. I have
>done them in the Crock Pot, in my large electric skillet and in the
>oven, but don't think it makes any difference.
>It was one of the first cuts of meat I learned to cook when we were
>married. It was an economical cut of meat (no meat is anymore - not even
>hamburger is reasonable!) and it would last hubby and I several meals. I
>would prepare it for company, as everyone seemed to enjoy it, and was
>like a "one-dish" meal, as cooked veggies in with it and would make
>gravy from the juices. Maybe I just grew tired of it, or else my taste
>buds have gotten more refined over the years.
>Do you have a good way of preparing it where it comes out fork-tender
>and delicious? If so, please share your secrets.
We do it the same way my grandmother and then my mother did it. We
use rump roast. Salt and pepper it. Heat some oil in a Dutch oven
and put the roast in to brown. Don't touch it until it is browned and
releases from the bottom of the pot. Turn to do all sides. Remove
the meat and saute some onions. Replace the meat, add enough water to
come up the sides about 1/3. Cook with lit on using very low heat for
about 4 hours. Make gravy from the liquid. We use cornstarch to
thicken it.
Serve with mashed potatoes and a veggie.
Chuck works well too, but you won't be able to slice it if that is how
you want to serve it.
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Ed Pawlowski
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