I want to say thanks to everyone that gave their suggestions for cooking
a superb pot roast. There was some very interesting and varied ideas,
and most sound quite good.
If ever I have had a question, I like posting in this group and "picking
the brains" of the posters, as I have gotten some great tips and ideas
from here, and the recipes I've tried, have all been very good.
After reading this thread, I may just have to buy another pot roast and
try it again, as maybe now I will discover that they are better than
previous times I have tried them. I know browning is a must, and most
meats benefit from that at the start of the cooking process, as just
gives more flavor, as do bones cooked in the meat. I've never thought
boneless cuts were as flavorful, though some think I'm imagining it,
but...I say not!