On Sat, 26 Jan 2013 11:00:13 -0800, "Dimitri" >
>"Brooklyn1" <Gravesend1> wrote in message
.. .
>> "Dimitri" wrote:
>> One of the best inexpensive cuts for pot roast is top round, however
>> it also makes for one of the best oven roasts, as in tonight's
>> din-din:
>> http://i50.tinypic.com/6fqo2p.jpg
>> Was wonderful with big baked spuds and broccoli... Walmart had 10 lb
>> bags of Green Giant "Prime Size" russets, 12 spuds to ten pounds. My
>> cats pigged out, and Newt will get his fill in the barn for breakfast
>> manana... three big slices and all the pan fond and drippings along
>> with his large can of Purina and a bowl of dried, his buddies get fed
>> too.
>> I like chuck but I think it makes lousy pot roast, gets all stringy
>> and falls apart... much better braised. Actually what most folks buy
>> are chuck steaks, excellent grilled, my favorite steak... a 2" thk
>> slab of chuck marinated for a couple days and grilled fast n'hot to
>> medium rare is superb. Most folks ruin a good piece of meat simply
>> because they are incapable of wielding a knife... in the 20 years I've
>> posted here other than myself I've yet to see anyone who has
>> demonstrated how to properly slice meat or anything else.
>A hundred years ago (Ok 40 or so) my brother used to use Adolph's meat
>tenderizer on a blade cut chuck (cheap stuff then) then put it on the
>charcoal "BBQ" and cook it till it was charred. He would then cut slices
>like it were a chateaubriand. I must admit I tried it that way a few times
>long ago.
I marinate chuck steaks the same as I do spare ribs for Chinese
style... except the ribs are grilled low and slow, the chuck fast and
furious. Chuck steaks need no tenderizer when the marinade contains
fresh lime and orange juice, garlic, ginger, white pepper, a wee bit
of sesame oil, sometimes soy sauce sometimes not. Chuck is my
favorite cut for steak so long as it's not cooked past medium rare...
makes great kabobs too.