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bigwheel bigwheel is offline
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[quote='jmcquown"The Little Bride"? I sure hope that's the name of a cooking show. Jill[/QUOTE]

The Little Bride phrase has roots into when she figgered out I was calling her the Warden. I got in a heap o twoble on that one. Now from grade school on we was taught call them our Old Lady. It ran aground in high school because some kids used the affectionate term to apply to their Mamas and some made it applicable to their girlfriends. So it got confusing to say the least especially a guy starting telling a story you think is about his Mama and it was really his girfriend. I think only outlaw bikers use that one nowadays..and they aint talking about their Mamas. Or dont seem like anyway. Now bikers have Mamas and then they have "Mamas" Makes sense they have trouble fitting in with society huh?

Last edited by bigwheel : 27-01-2013 at 06:45 PM