"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Sat, 26 Jan 2013 11:00:13 -0800, Dimitri wrote:
>> "Brooklyn1" <Gravesend1> wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "Dimitri" wrote:
>> <snip>
>>> One of the best inexpensive cuts for pot roast is top round, however
>>> it also makes for one of the best oven roasts, as in tonight's
>>> din-din:
>>> http://i50.tinypic.com/6fqo2p.jpg
>>> Was wonderful with big baked spuds and broccoli... Walmart had 10 lb
>>> bags of Green Giant "Prime Size" russets, 12 spuds to ten pounds. My
>>> cats pigged out, and Newt will get his fill in the barn for breakfast
>>> manana... three big slices and all the pan fond and drippings along
>>> with his large can of Purina and a bowl of dried, his buddies get fed
>>> too.
>>> I like chuck but I think it makes lousy pot roast, gets all stringy
>>> and falls apart... much better braised. Actually what most folks buy
>>> are chuck steaks, excellent grilled, my favorite steak... a 2" thk
>>> slab of chuck marinated for a couple days and grilled fast n'hot to
>>> medium rare is superb. Most folks ruin a good piece of meat simply
>>> because they are incapable of wielding a knife... in the 20 years I've
>>> posted here other than myself I've yet to see anyone who has
>>> demonstrated how to properly slice meat or anything else.
>> A hundred years ago (Ok 40 or so) my brother used to use Adolph's meat
>> tenderizer on a blade cut chuck (cheap stuff then) then put it on the
>> charcoal "BBQ" and cook it till it was charred. He would then cut slices
>> like it were a chateaubriand. I must admit I tried it that way a few
>> times
>> long ago.
>> Dimitri
> Has the whole World gone crazy?
Of course!
> How do you cut a Chateaubriand - with your pinkie sticking up in the
> air and your tongue peeking out of the corner of your mouth?
Nope just 1/2 inch slices cut with the grain.