Food Fraud
Bob Terwilliger wrote:
> Doug wrote:
>> California passed term limits. Let's review what happened there.
>> The initial result was moving a lot of entrenched politicians from the
>> State Assembly and State Senate into the county and city governments where
>> there are no term limits.
> My observation was that many politicians merely moved from one district to
> another while remaining in the legislature, so business continued as usual.
You must be in a different state than California. In California you get
to serve a maximum of 10 years in any one title. Assemblyman and
Senator are the same title in any district. Folks do go from Assembly
to Senate then to positions on the Tax Board then into elective
positions in the Governor's chain of command. At 10 years per it's
possible to serve an extremely long time at the State level in
California politics but it is not allowed to term limit out in one
district then switch to another. That option was explicit in the Prop.