Last step in the project of building a home soda machine forflavoringcola
On 1/29/2013 10:21 AM, bigwheel wrote:
> 'George BTW we solved the "soda problem" by simply not drinking it. You get used to sweet stuff and a glass of water is just as refreshing.[/QUOTE Wrote:
>> Smartest advice I have yet heard dispensed. Soft drinks kill folks. Prob
>> drank two or three over the past ten years or so. I like to sip on a big
>> insulated cup full of ice water topped with a little Wine. It will cure
>> what ails ya. That is what Eyetalian chillins drink so they can learn to
>> grow up and be alchyholics.
Sheldon, is that you? If not, someone is channeling you.
gloria p