Last step in the project of building a home soda machine forflavoring cola
On Jan 29, 9:35*pm, "Danny D." > wrote:
> On Tue, 29 Jan 2013 18:13:36 -0500, Robert wrote:
> > Look for everclear. around the same price but its 200 proof.
> Everclear seems like a good idea.
> According to google, you can't get it any higher than 190 proof (95%),
> but Califoria apparently outlawed the 190 proof so I will look for one
> notch lower.
> NOTE: Why they'd outlaw 190 proof but allow the next level down is beyond
> me, since people could just drink more - but it is California ... so that
> must explain it.
After this thread yesterday I happened to be in a supermarket where
they sell the SodaStream machine and products. Ahye Karumba!
What a joke! Like many of you, I've heard the ads saying that you
save money, but never bothered to check it out. I had seen what 5 gal
bags of syrup sell for at Sams Club and just from that concluded it's
not worth it. So here's what the SS was selling for at the
Machine $200
CO2 cylinder, makes (up tp) 60L $30
Cola syrup, makes 12L $5
So, lets figure out what it costs to make a 2L bottle:
CO2 $1
Syrup $0.83
That's a recurring cost of $1.83 for 2 litres. You can buy real Coke,
not some generic cola, for $1.60 and that's when it's not on sale.
On sale which happens every couple weeks at one supermarket
or another, you can get if for $1. The generic colas you can get for
about $1 any time. And you don't have to pay $200 as an
entrance fee.
I'm sure you can do better than that for the SS by shopping around.
But still, unless they have some awesome flavored soda that is
way different than bottled soda, the whole SS thing is nuts. I'.m
sure if you go the DIY route for the machine, buy CO2 from a gas
supplier in bigger tanks, etc, the math is going to improve.