The basket
On Wed, 30 Jan 2013 02:40:00 -0500, Cheryl >
>On 1/30/2013 12:42 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> The whole back of my van is loaded with bags and stuff. We're very green
>> here so the stores are all urging us to use reusable bags. I used to buy
>> them for every store but I am phasing those out in lieu of the more
>> expensive thick plastic ones that last longer and can be washed more easily.
>> Most of the cloth ones just fall apart when you wash them. But I do have a
>> nice Target bag made of a thick fabric that washes well.
>Do you use the proper bags for each store you shop in? ie, you don't
>use a Piggly Wiggly bag when you go to Costco?
I've gone out of my way to do that. No one has ever made a comment
though, they just bag the groceries.