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bigwheel bigwheel is offline
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Originally Posted by krw@attt.
That's how it's made. Alcohol and water *CANNOT* be distilled above
95%. Impossible. To make "pure" alcohol, one adds 5% benzene to the
95% alcohol/water mix and then distills the alcohol off from that.
There will always be a trace of benzene in the resulting alcohol;
enough that you really don't want to drink it.
PS: When did they stop using tax stamps on alcohol?[/color]
Did they?
Would take a sewercidal inclined hooch maker to try distilling 95% ethanol whether it contained benzene or not. The stuff makes gasoline look tame in comparison. Not good to strike a fire under it. Now a person could dilute the 95% stock back to around 40% and run it yet again..which would put it back where it started aka slightly less than 100%. Yall sure the Bezene isn't added to discourage folks from buying and drinking cheap denatured alcohol from the hardware store?