[TN] Some recent wines
On Friday, February 1, 2013 12:26:09 AM UTC-5, Mark Lipton wrote:
> Over the past month, we've consumed a number of wines with meals, the
> notes of which are shown below. Most of these wines were imported by
> Selection Massale, a small importer of "natural" wines in San Leandro,
> CA, that is run by some Internet acquaintances of mine.
> *2006 Domaine Dupasquier Vin de Savoie Pinot* - France, Savoie, Vin de
> Savoie (1/31/2013)
> This was an absolutely lovely expression of the Pinot Noir grape, almost
> ethereally light yet packed with flavor both fruity and mineral. Yet the
> flavor profile put me in mind of Pinot Noir from Carneros, albeit with
> far greater acid cut and more minerality.
> *2008 Domaine Dupasquier Gamay Vin de Savoie* - France, Savoie, Vin de
> Savoie (1/31/2013)
> Lightweight yet flavorful, with typical Gamay acidity. When I smelled
> the wine, however, it brought to mind Steve Edmunds's lovely Bone-Jolly
> wines, which is no faint praise but quite surprising for a French
> Gamay.</li>
> *2009 Domaine Le Bout du Monde Côtes du Roussillon Villages Hop La* -
> France, Languedoc Roussillon, Roussillon, Côtes du Roussillon Villages
> (1/31/2013)*
> Imagine a midweight Chateauneuf with a much racier mouthfeel and that's
> what you've got here. It's got the Bretty funk of a good CNdP and a
> similar cherryish fruit profile (that doesn't, however, veer into cherry
> liqueur territory) but has got great acidity and a lighter body. All in
> all, an outstanding wine and dynamite with red meat.
> *NV Pascal Potaire Touraine Les Capriades Piège à filles rosé* - France,
> Loire Valley, Touraine (1/31/2013)
> So much fun: lightweight, bright pink, dry, acidic fizz. What's not to
> love? Not a wine to contemplate overmuch, but hell of fun and a great
> bottle for a hot summer's day with some BBQ. It's produced from both Côt
> (Malbec) and Gamay.
> *2007 Domaine Denis Bachelet Côte de Nuits Villages* - France, Burgundy,
> Côte de Nuits, Côte de Nuits Villages (12/21/2012)
> Quite tight right out of the bottle, but aeration actually seemed to
> close it down harder. With some time, though, it fleshed out a bit.
> Initially, mostly pencil lead and tart raspberry, growing more expansive
> and rounder with time. This is wine that definitely needs more time.
> Mark Lipton
Thanks for notes, the Dupasquier wines sound work seeking out. Not sure if I have the Bachelet CdNV , but the 07 Gevrey defintely needs time.