Surcharge (auto-tip) Yay? Nay?
On 02/02/2013 10:54 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> Absolutely. On the flip side of having been a server, I've been out
> with large groups where they offered one check and added the gratuity.
> Seems okay in theory. The problem with that was some people chowed down
> on appetizers and ordered the most expensive items on the lunch menu.
> This should be split (monetarily) equally among the guests? Nope.
My brother insists on separate bills. He thinks that everyone should be
responsible for their own food and drinks. To be fair, his wife will
have the more expensive meals and appetizers and dessert, and his bar
bill will be the highest.
I remember once going out for dinner at an expensive restaurant with our
neighbours. She tried Gran Marnier for the first time, and ordered
another, and another.... 5 of them. And that stuff is expensive. I
would be lying if I were to say that I did not resent splitting a bill
with someone who had really gone overboard on really expensive liquor.
Then there is a couple I know who went on a Caribbean vacation with some
friends of theirs. My friends don't drink. The other couple are both
lawyers who consider themselves to be wine connoisseurs and would order
at least two bottles of expensive wines. I guess they weren't close
enough friends to feel comfortable enough to tell the winos that they
weren't chipping in for the wine.