Surcharge (auto-tip) Yay? Nay?
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Surcharge (auto-tip) Yay? Nay?
On Sat, 02 Feb 2013 11:56:13 -0400,
> I'm with you, except, if I receive poor service I might even not leave
> a tip. It's my way of saying that if they want to be rude, offhand
> etc. don't try it with me.
That's a poor excuse to be cheap. Servers always get a tip, how large
"depends". Inattentive (frankly, I've never experienced rude) service
gets the low end, IF it's the server's attitude that's at fault. If
the server is doing the best they can with inadequate staffing, we
give them a break. Poor attitude and poor staffing issues always
merits a stern talk with the manager on duty because neither situation
is tolerable to the paying customer.
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