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Janet Bostwick Janet Bostwick is offline
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Default Surcharge (auto-tip) Yay? Nay?

On Sat, 02 Feb 2013 09:42:34 -0600, zxcvbob >

>notbob wrote:
>> Boy, this outta be good for a battle royal.
>> Should restaurant patrons be subject to an automatic surcharge (it's
>> not a tip!) for groups over a certain number?
>> I think not. I once ran across this at a Chevy's. Surcharge for
>> parties over six ppl. For what? Why? How is serving 6 ppl at one
>> table more work than serving 3 ppl at two tables? And 18%! That's
>> almost one fifth of the total added on. It's not only unfair, it's a
>> rip-off, pure and simple. If it's such a chore to serve 6 ppl at one
>> table, perhaps the proprietor should find another line of work or have
>> smaller tables with a big sign out front.
>> BTW, how in God's name (it was church folk) did 20 ppl manage to run
>> up a bill of only $34 at an Applebees? Did they all order jes one
>> Coke? If I'd been the mgr, Ida told the entire lot to "fly away"
>> ....NOW!

>If there's a surcharge (which ****es me off), I don't leave a tip. I
>tend to order cheap, but I'm a big tipper, so the waitress gets less
>this way.
>They must have each ordered just a coffee or iced tea. And then
>probably sat there taking up a big table for 90 minutes. If the place
>was almost empty, that's OK. If it was busy, manager should've asked
>them (after about 20 minutes) to order some food or leave.

When I read the article, I'm sure it said that the total bill was over
Janet US